Whether you are considering the possiblility of joining the Catholic Church or have been raised Catholic and want to know more about your faith, this class can be very helpful and could change you life. The Catholic Church explores the deep relationship we are called to have with God. We learn from the Catechishm of the Catholic Church and the Bible. Both Adult Ed and the process of becoming Catholic through RCIA are combined so we are on this Journey of Faith together!

RCIA means the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. It is the beautiful, gentle process that we explore for those who are considering the Catholic Faith. We begin with a period of inquiry where we explore the Creeds: Who is God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? What is the Communion of Saints and the forgiveness of sins? What does “One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic” mean and why is it so important that it is in the Creed? (You may be asking, “What is a Creed?) The period of inquiry is a great time to explore questions you may have about the Catholic Church such as the role of Mary, the mother of Jesus, purgatory, and other uniquely Catholic topics. This is usually during the months of September to the end of November.

The second part continues with the study of the seven Sacraments and why they are such beautiful gifts of grace given from our loving God. We also look at the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes. The Magisterium or teaching office of the Church and the Papacy are also discussed and the study of the beautiful liturgy of the Mass. The time frame for this is usually December to February.

The Third period explores what it means to become Catholic and how it changes your life as we prepare to receive the Sacraments during the highest liturgy of the year, the Easter Vigil. This period occurs during Lent, usually mid February to April.

The fourth period is a brief time that brings us forward toward our mission to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world. We finish in late May, usually on Penticost.

The materials we use and provide – there is no cost – are the Catechism of the Catholic Church and a Catholic Bible. It is a gentle process and one can decide to go forward and become Catholic or simply observe. There is no pressure to join only an invitation to consider. We meet Sunday Mornings after the 9:30am Mass, in the school. Our classroom is on the second floor and there are signs to direct you. We always have great refreshments and warm, friendly faces to greet you!

Our catechists are Tim Lindgren and Mark Dipzinski along with great support catechists. Please consider joining us this Sunday .

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